泣血男孩與女孩(The Boy With Bloody Tears) 美國田納西州十七歲黑人男孩凱文諾.英曼(Calvino Inman)兩年來飽受「泣血」症狀所苦,還遭外人指是惡靈附身,而醫界迄仍無法查出他眼鼻不自主流血的真正原因。美國《探索頻道》(Discovery Channel)旗下「TLC頻道」並將英曼與其他類似案例拍成紀錄片《泣血男孩》(The Boy With Bloody Tears)。  英曼的症狀無論日夜,一天發作G2000好幾次。發作時,鮮血從眼眶或鼻腔流出,最久達一小時。他表示,流血有時伴著燒灼感,有時卻要看到別人驚愕的眼光,才知道自己泣血。流血之後,他的左腦會劇烈疼痛,就像遭鐵錘重擊。  自發病以來,英曼已接受過十五名醫師的診察,仍無法找出病因。曾治療他的孟菲斯「漢彌爾頓眼科醫院」醫師佛萊明(John Fleming)指出,美國有只有少數泣血病例,長了腫瘤、基因缺陷或淚腺管感染都租房子可能是病因,也有患者在數月或數年後突然痊癒。  TLC頻道的紀錄片《泣血男孩》也收錄印度廿七歲女子拉希達.貝根(Rashida Begum)的案例。三年前,貝根出現嚴重嘔吐與劇烈頭痛後,開始有泣血症狀。好消息是,因拍攝紀錄片,貝根在印度新德里的「全印醫學研究院」找到了曙光。醫師經多次檢驗後,診判她的泣血與胃疾有關。 Wedesday, December 15th, 2010: Watch “The Boy with 酒肉朋友Bloody Tears” at 9:00 p.m. CST on TLC (The Learning Channel). The Boy With Bloody Tears The call for help, with which 15-year-old American appeared on television, responded to an ophthalmologistHe will be taken to cure blood tears teenager that could not handle other doctors.Bloody tears suddenly appear in a 15-year-old Calvin Inman three times a day, 個人信貸and the bleeding can last up to one hour, reports Lenta.ruAccording to the teenager, they sometimes felt as a regular watering, and sometimes accompanied by a burning sensation in his eyes. Because of the disorder, symptoms of which periodically occur during school hours, most of my classmates said Inman "possessed by the Devil"This condition, occurring 酒店兼職only rarely called gemolakrii. It can cause swelling of lacrimal glands and ducts, trauma, infection and other diseases. In some cases, like Inman, gemolakriya occurs for no apparent reason.Mother of a teenager Tammy Maynett repeatedly appealed to the doctors about the condition of her son. He performed MRIs, CT scans, ultrasound and other studies, however, 土地買賣identify the cause of bloody tears and could not.Inman with his mother decided to speak on television in the hope that someone from the audience-physicians interested in this opportunity to offer their services for diagnosis and treatment.On an appeal has already responded to an ophthalmologist, James Fleming of the Hamilton Institute of eyes in Memphis . 酒肉朋友The specialist said that in his practice he had encountered several cases gemolakrii, and he hopes he can help a teen.For the past two years, Knoxville-area teen Calvino Inman has presented with a condition where he weeps blood, sometimes for an hour at a time.Calvin has gone under a plethora of tests to rule out tumors, tear duct issues or genetic 結婚西裝problems. But so far doctors are clueless on the cause of this unusual phenomenon. He has seen 15 specialists across the country to no avail and now his mom, Tammy Mynatt is searching for help from overseas.The young Mr. Inman says sometimes it burns when its happening, other time he finds out when people are gawking at him.Calvin also claims of extreme 膠原蛋白head pain afterwards and many sleepless nights. Poor Calvin says that when it happens, he still has people say that he is “possessed”.Calvin will be featured tonight on The Learning Channel (TLC) on a show titled “The Boy with Bloody Tears” airing at 10 pm 租屋EST.Source: Girl With Bloody Tears

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